Meet Natalie

I am just your average, down to earth, southern gal. I love the great outdoors and I’m happiest when relaxing at the base of a waterfall, overlooking a mountain summit, or chilling at the beach with my hubby, Jeff. I have some of the best friends on the planet!

No matter what life has thrown at me, my friends have stood beside me, and for that I am forever grateful. I am unashamedly Christian, for I cannot imagine living this life apart from Christ. He is my everything, and I long to glorify him in all I do.

Fun Facts:

I was once attacked by African killer bees (true story)! Click here to read more.

I have been struck by lightning.

I have been known to freeze Cadbury eggs and eat them year-round.

Zero candy bars are my comfort food.

I had 3 imaginary boyfriends as a kid – Peter, Tommy Tommy. and Socks.

I got a shout out from Gary Chapman for our book, Grace-based Counseling. #fangirl

I served on a special ministries team in the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney.

I’ve visited every continent except Antarctica.

Michael was my first love and there was a time when I thought I couldn’t live without him. He was a remarkable husband and a stellar dad when he was healthy. Unfortunately, bipolar disorder stole him from us. It is my hope and prayer that by sharing our story, others with mental illness will find the hope to pursue help. People often ask me if I had known then what I know now, would I have still married Michael. Absolutely! We have some amazing memories and a beautiful daughter, Jorjanne, and I wouldn’t do anything to change this. Do I have regrets? You betcha! I share more about this in my book, Seeking Answers, Finding Peace.

My past has shaped who I am, but it does not define me. God has truly turned my tears to joy and for that I will forever praise him! One of the ways God has restored my joy is by blessing me with my husband, Jeff. He keeps me laughing and challenges me in my walk with Christ. Our marriage is a precious gift; God’s plans are not always our plans, but I am living proof that his ways are always best!

Writing Life

When I was in elementary school, I wrote a story for my parents as a Christmas gift entitled, “One Month in America.” I spent months writing the story of an immigrant who found refuge in the U.S. I was so proud of my work. The following Christmas, my dad gave me 100 printed copies of my story. This fed my love for writing, and I always knew I’d write books. People would ask, “What do you want to write about?” I’d respond, “I don’t know, but one day I will write.”

Days after my first husband died, I found an inscription he had written in the front of a book he’d given me. He wrote, “One day I pray our story will be written for the glory of God and the inspiration of others.” This note was all I needed; I knew I had to write our story and thus, began my first work, Tears to Joy. I’ve learned so much about writing since that day and my love for it continues to grow.

My Advice for aspiring authors? Read. The more I read, the more I learn about the art.