13 Reasons Not to Watch 13 Reasons (particularly teens)

Suicide should not be viewed as entertaining. The Netflix series, 13 Reasons, sensationalizes suicide and the entire premise of the show centers around Hannah’s suicide and the events leading up to it. No alternatives are given for coping with stress. Hannah’s suicide almost seems justified by the writers because of the intense pain she endured at the hands of others. There is definitely an eye-for-an-eye…

Enduring the Hard Times

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,  fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down…

Seasons Change…and So Does Life

You know how it is. You bump shoulders everyday with people who ask, “How are you?” If you are like most of us, you lie and answer “Fine.” Fine. Fine? What does that even mean? “I am well.” “I am happy.” “I am hurting.” All of these responses are telling, but fine — what does that really mean? I’ve struggled the past couple of months…

Ascending in Prayer

This week I was reminded that apart from God everything is vanity. I can achieve intellectual pursuits, gain the world’s riches, and obtain fame and notoriety but in the end they all lead to emptiness and vanity. Solomon, the author of Ecclesiastes, knew this all too well and said the ultimate purpose in life is to fear God and obey his commandments. Paul challenged the…

A New Twist on Valentine’s Day

A New Twist on Valentine’s Day

Each year I hear people bemoaning Valentine’s Day (aka Single Awareness Day). Some feel jipped because they don’t have anyone special with whom to celebrate. Others are grieving the loss of their Valentine to either death or to break up. The sad truth is that for millions of people, Valentine’s Day is a day of great sadness and disappointment. My question is “Why?” How did…