Give Tanks with a Grapeful Heart

Give Tanks with a Grapeful Heart

Several years ago, I was working in campus ministry when a group of students decided to sing “Give Tanks with a Grapeful Heart.” At the time we thought this was a great idea. As if the song wasn’t enough, we dressed up as grapes with purple and green balloons and handed out toy tanks to everyone. Now looking back, I think how silly we were,…

What I Learned from Maggots

What I Learned from Maggots

Last month, Jeff and I went to put the leash on the dog so that we could go for a walk. As we bent to attach the leash to her collar, we saw maggots – thousands of maggots (OK, it was probably hundreds but it was A LOT) – coming out of a knot on her back. I ran inside for rubber gloves and shampoo….

Depression and Suicide Risk

Depression and Suicide Risk

Barbara was relieved when her son, John, told her he was going out to grab some pizza with the guys. John had been struggling with depression off and on for the past several years. His most recent episode had lasted about three months. Barbara had been worried about John. He had no motivation to do his school work and often called in sick to work….

Experiencing the Power of God

Experiencing the Power of God

Between writing lesson plans and researching for my dissertation, I have found little time to blog recently. However, I want to share with you about an experience I had in Africa. I was going hut-to-hut sharing the gospel with my friend, Robert. It was time for lunch and we were walking back to the church to meet the rest of the team for lunch. On…