Get in Shape Girl…

Get in Shape Girl…

It’s amazing how quickly physical stamina and muscle strength can turn to mush. Now that I have completed my qualifying exam for the PhD program, it is time to resume my exercise routine. I was disheartened to realize how out of shape I’ve gotten in such a short time. It takes continuous workouts to maintain physical strength, and the same is true of spiritual strength….

Saying Goodbye to 2013

Saying Goodbye to 2013

Toward the end of 2012, I began asking God to make 2013 a year of jubilee in my life. January 2013 would mark seven years since Michael’s death. In the Old Testament, the seventh year was associated with jubilee because debts were forgiven and people were given a fresh start. I prayed that this year would be a new beginning in my life. As the…

All I Want for Christmas Is…

All I Want for Christmas Is…

Our kitten has free reign in our home with one exception, our bedroom. He’s got it made…he can come inside from the cold, has multiple places to rest and to explore, and he has our attention. You’d think he’d be one happy cat, but no. He is insistent on going into the one room in the house where he is not allowed. He gets a…

Living in the Now

Living in the Now

  Too often we long for those good ole’ days or we pine for the future, and we totally miss the present. A couple of people who are very near and dear to my heart are in the early stages of Alzheimer’s. Watching their memory decline has reminded me how precious time is and of the importance of today. As Thanksgiving approaches, I am committed…

A Call to Prayer

A Call to Prayer

Several years ago, I listened from my hotel room as the call to prayer sounded over the loudspeakers. Muslims all over the city were getting out of their beds before the sun had risen to get on their knees and pray. I remember the conviction I felt as I watched their dedication and commitment to pray. Beloved, I believe God is calling us to seek…

Helping Your Bipolar Loved One

This is going to sound utterly selfish, but the number one thing you can do to help someone you care about who has bipolar disorder is to make sure that you are healthy yourself. Loving someone with bipolar often comes with extreme highs and lows, and their roller coaster of emotions often carry you along for the ride whether you want to go or not….