When Someone You Love is Manic

When Someone You Love is Manic

                                                While depression is often the worst part of bipolar disorder for the sufferer, the mania is often the most damaging to his relationships. One twitter follower described the mania she experiences as feeling unhinged with overwhelming thoughts and ideas. The racing thoughts often lead to grandiose and unrealistic beliefs. The National Institute of Mental Health describes mania as   ·         A long period of…

Juggling or Fumbling?

Juggling or Fumbling?

As a kid, I was always fascinated by jugglers. How in the world could they balance and keep so much in the air moving at once was beyond me. I’ve tried so many times to learn to juggle, but have never got the hang of it (maybe because I am clumsy and uncoordinated). Why is it then, that I continue to try and juggle so much…

Oh So Squirrely

Oh So Squirrely

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. Isaiah 55:7-9.     Jogging with my golden retriever is always an adventure. Today we were running along, and just as I was finding my stride, WHOOSH!  Off she went. You see, my dog is a great running buddy until she gets distracted and then she has a mind of…