Top Ten Favorite Books

Top Ten Favorite Books

So call me a nerd. I love, love, love to read! I love all books — fiction, nonfiction — it doesn’t matter to me. I read for pleasure and I read to learn. I just love reading! While there are many classics I enjoy (Jane Austen, St. Augustine, Plato…), I’ve compiled a list of some of my more recent favorites. The Bible is an obvious…

Once was blind

Once was blind

When I think of being blind, I see darkness. Pitch blackness.   Last week I was teaching high school students about Paul’s conversion in the book of Acts. Paul was blinded by a bright light from heaven. I’m not sure why, but I always pictured that light causing him to see blackness. Driving down to work last week, I was instantly blinded by the sun’s rays….

What I Learned from Brownies

What I Learned from Brownies

It had been a great day! Lots of laughter! Fun with friends. I was practically floating as I pull into my driveway. I unlocked the door, tossed my keys on the cabinet, and hugged Jorjanne. After I stopped to speak to my friend who stayed with Jorjanne and one of her friends while I was gone, I walked into the kitchen to set my purse…

Lethal Injection

Lethal Injection

It was just like any other morning. I was getting dressed for work, listening to the news when Bam! I was “teleported” back 18 years – ok, I was taken back emotionally, but not physically. I heard the name “Andrew Cook” and the words lethal injection and the tears began welling up in my eyes. You see, as a junior in college, I was excited…

Will the Pain Ever Go Away?

Grief is a strange thing. It’s crazy how a song or a memory can toss you back into the throws of heartache and pain. Many teach Kubler-Ross’ five stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance) to people who have recently experienced the death of a loved one. Unfortunately, few people move through these stages in the way you climb a ladder, moving from one…

Suicide Prevention Begins with Us

Suicide Prevention Begins with Us

                                                                                      I would love to be able to report that the number of people dying by suicide has declined, but I can’t. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention reports that someone completes suicide every 13.7 seconds. That statistic once again became much more real for me last week. One of my dearest friends lost a family member to suicide. The dying are husbands, fathers, brothers,…