In the Bucket

In the Bucket

Last week a friend was going through old newspaper clippings for our scrapbook at work, when she came across an article entitied, “What’s in your Bucket?”  Dr. Mike Davis, from First Baptist Cleveland writes about how we are earthen vessels (2 Corinthians 4:7). He goes on to talk about times when we are carrying a cup of coffee and are jostled and what’s inside of…

A Bucket Full of Fun

A Bucket Full of Fun

Several years ago a friend and I drove from Georgia to Canada and had quite the adventure. On the way home, we were both delirious from lack of sleep and from the long drive and we became quite silly (OK, I know you’ve been super silly too when you were tired). We saw a woman walking down the road in front of a row of…

As the Season Changes

As the Season Changes

I grew up in South Georgia where the seasons blur from one to another without any major changes. I missed out on fall colors for years. When the leaves begin to change, I feel like a school girl, waiting expectantly for cooler temperatures and fall fun. I read somewhere that fall is nature’s last fling before settling into winter’s sleep. I absolutely LOVE autumn for…

Mental Illness Awareness Week

Mental Illness Awareness Week

When I scheduled the pre-release party for Tears to Joy, I had no idea that it would serve to kick off Mental Illness Awareness Week. Sadly, millions of people with a mental illness fail to get help, because of the stigma associated with mental illness. Stigma exists because of ignorance. I hope as people read Michael’s story of his battle with bipolar disorder, it will…

O Happy Day!!!

O Happy Day!!!

 Joy. Joy unspeakable. Today is further evidence of how God has turned my tears to joy. Six years ago, I began writing a story of undeniable grief and heartache. The tears were gutwrenching and my whole body ached with the pain of loss. I wondered if I’d ever smile again. Fast forward. Today. My cup overflows. God has been more than good to me. He…