Well Meaning People

Well Meaning People

People mean well — but their words are often like knives that strike us to the core of our being. Most of the time they don’t even realize  the hurt that they’ve caused us when they say things like, “If you just trust God, then you won’t feel depressed,” or “Christians are to be joyful always so snap out of it.”  There are lots of…

Not Long Now

Not Long Now

Four days. In just four days the culmination of a life-long dream, countless tears, and hours of hard work will occur. People keep asking me, “Are you excited about your book’s pre-release?” Let me just say, excited is an understatement. There are some who have already read Tears to Joy, but the official kick-off is this Friday. When I think about all who will read the…

Pick Up the Phone!

Pick Up the Phone!

We’ve all had them — those moments when you feel a strong urge to call someone else. You think, “I’ll call them soon,” and that nagging feeling keeps at you until you pick up the phone.  I just want to publicly say how thankful I am for friends who following the leading of the Holy Spirit. Yesterday, I was really discouraged and hurting when a friend…

Eyes that See

Eyes that See

Last night, I was blessed to go prayerwalking with a group of middle school girls. I explained to the girls that so often we go through life with our eyes closed to the people around us. I told them that we were going to ask God to give us eyes to see the needs around us so that we would know how to pray. As…

Fear of Failure

Fear of Failure

There are times when we don’t try new things because we are afraid. We fear the unknown. We may also fear failure. I never used to think I struggled with this but I’ve realized this past year how much I do. I put off getting my commercial driver’s license for years — for one I didn’t have the “want to” and secondly, I was afraid…

Did I Say That?

Did I Say That?

We all have those moments. You know — those times when dumb just jumps right out of our mouths. My daugher tells people that she is a brilliant brunette with blond moments. I have more of these moments than I care to admit and for some reason, my friends never let me forget them. Recently a friend sent me an email with many “idiot sightings”…