Afraid of the Stigma

Recently a friend blogged about Michael’s death (read her blog here). In her post, she shared about how shocked she was to learn that the vivacious man she remembered had died by suicide. As I read her thoughts, I remembered doing whatever I could to help Michael cover up his struggles with bipolar disorder. We simlply didn’t want others to know about his mental illness….

Suicide: To Heaven or To Hell?

It seems like I have been bombarded with phone calls and emails from people asking the same question — “Does a person who commits suicide go to heaven or to hell?” This is a legitimate question, but for far too long, it has been answered with the WRONG answer. Sadly, many well-meaning Christians have suggested that suicide is an unforgiveable sin, punishable by an eternity…

Holly, Jolly Christmas????

Holly, Jolly Christmas????

I was recently reading an article where the author asked, whatever happened to “Have a holly, jolly Christmas?” I realized how true this statement rings for many. We celebrate so many things of Christmas, one of which is family. Many families are broken and hurting this Christmas. Whether touched by death, divorce, or other hardships many family chains have been broken. I spoke to a…

The One Who Appears

The One Who Appears

This time of year we tend to reflect on being thankful. I have been blessed to visit many people and places and I realize that I am extremely blessed. While I am not wealthy by worldly standards, I am rich in spirit. Over ten years ago, I decided to make a commitment to invest in the life of a child. After much prayer, I decided…

Cherry on Top Award

Special thanks to Mandi at Life After Placing for the “Cherry On Top” Award:1. Link to the person who gave it to you!2. Pass it on to 5 more people!3. Leave a comment on their blog telling them about it! My top 5 blogs picks are (in no particular order):1. Life is a Bowl of Wedgies2. Verner Verbiage3. Chiaroscuro4. YPastors Wives5. Tightening the Corset…Again Check…

Tell me my child did not say that!

Tonight a friend of mine who is in ministry was in town to speak at a Women’s Conference and we met beforehand for dinner. My daughter and her best friend joined us. While we were chatting, I made a comment about how few teenagers today know who Bathsheba is in the Bible. My darling daughter said, “I don’t know who she is.” Well, perhaps she’s…