Helping Your Bipolar Loved One

This is going to sound utterly selfish, but the number one thing you can do to help someone you care about who has bipolar disorder is to make sure that you are healthy yourself. Loving someone with bipolar often comes with extreme highs and lows, and their roller coaster of emotions often carry you along for the ride whether you want to go or not….

When Someone You Love is Manic

When Someone You Love is Manic

                                                While depression is often the worst part of bipolar disorder for the sufferer, the mania is often the most damaging to his relationships. One twitter follower described the mania she experiences as feeling unhinged with overwhelming thoughts and ideas. The racing thoughts often lead to grandiose and unrealistic beliefs. The National Institute of Mental Health describes mania as   ·         A long period of…

Manic May

Manic May

(Picture from May is National Mental Illness month, and I’ve been receiving lots of emails about the importance of raising awareness this month. I recently watched Silver Lining Playbook (lots of language and crude scenes, I’m not endorsing the movie), and was impressed by the way that they demonstrated someone with bipolar mania. When someone with bipolar disorder is manic, they have excessive energy…