What Makes an Occassion Special?

What Makes an Occassion Special?

Ok, call me crazy but when I get that special outfit or some fantabulous perfume, I can’t treat it like something normal.  I have to save it for special occasions. It is very rare that I splurge on an outfit that’s not on sale, but the crazy thing is when I do, it’s like its sacred or something. I never wear it because I don’t…

A Miracle of Hope…

A Miracle of Hope…

Mother’s Day 2011, the couple felt compelled to plead with God to give them a child. They made their promise to the Lord public at their church. They committed to dedicate this child to the Lord in the same way Hannah gave up Samuel before he was ever born. They asked family and friends to pray with them, asking God to bless them with a…

Utterly Inadequate

There are times when I feel like superwoman and feel like I could do anything I set my mind to. But more often, I feel ill-equipped and totally unprepared for what lies ahead. Have you ever felt totally inadequate for the task at hand? There have been times in my life when I knew God wanted me to do something and I not only felt…



I’ve been reminiscing through pictures from my trips to Kenya and I am reminded just how much I love both the land and the people of this beautiful country. Apart from the people, the thing I miss the most about Kenya, is the simplicity of life. In America, we get so busy running the rat race called life. How often do we take time to…

Costly Joy

Costly Joy

I just finished reading the book, Kisses from Katie, and let me just say – WOW!  Katie is a remarkable young woman who is living the surrendered life. (You can follow her story at kissesfromkatie.blogspot.com) This is a story about obedience to Christ, perseverance, and sacrifice. Something she said leaped off the page and into my heart. She said, “We must know sorrow to be…

The “Hyde” Within

The “Hyde” Within

I just watched our high school drama department perform Jekyll and Hyde. Kudos to the cast and crew! Fantastic job! As I drove home, I couldn’t help thinking about how no matter how hard Mr. Jekyll tried, he could not defeat the evil Hyde within him. The same is true today. No matter how hard we try to put to death our sinful nature, we…