Day 13: Open a Book
Open a Book. Point to a page and free write for 10-15 minutes on that word or passage.
Instinctively — There are some things in life that you just know instinctively. It’s always fascinated me that you don’t have to teach a child to do wrong – they disobey instinctively. However, usually, a child knows when they do something wrong because they will look around to see who is watching. This tells me that they also instinctively know right from wrong.
Why is it then that if we know right from wrong that we continue to do wrong? Paul wrestled with this when He said, “I know what I ought to do but I keep doing what I shouldn’t do, even though I want to do what I ought to do” (Natalie’s paraphrase). The answer is that we are all sinful…sin is our default setting.
I wonder then, when a person becomes a Christian, does the Holy Spirit begin to change a person’s instincts? I know that believers are still sinners, but my “want to” has changed a lot because of the Presence of the Spirit in my life. Does this mean that my instincts or changing? I’m not really sure…there are certainly times when my gut tells me to go for something or to avoid it at all costs. There’s also been times when I followed my instincts and boy do I wish I hadn’t.
The Bible says in Romans 1 that men have an innate knowledge of the Creator and so that we are without excuse. We instinctively know there is a God. Sure there are athiests, but every athiest I’ve ever met is angry at God because He didn’t do something the way he thought they should, so he quit believing.
Ok, I really am rambling now. It hasn’t been ten minutes but my daughter keeps calling for me so I’ll stop here. Instinctively is the word of the day…what comes to your mind when you hear the word?
This post was written as part of NHBM – 30 health posts in 30 days: