More Than We Can Imagine

Twelve years ago, when I published my first book I decided to create a L.L.C. and to start a blog. In order to start a business, you need a name. I wanted a name that reflected God’s work in my life. It didn’t need to be showy. It was really between me and the Lord. After a lot of prayer and contemplation I decided to…

What If

Have you ever wondered “What if?” I have asked this question so many times over the years. Today is my sister’s birthday. Unfortunately, she passed away when she was one due to spina bifida. What if she had lived? I’ve often wondered if we would look alike. Would we be best friends? Would she have an adventurous spirit? Would she have webbed toes like me…

Changing “All I Want for Christmas” to “Giving All for Christmas”

Christmas tends to bring out the best and worst in people. If you’ve ever been to Wal-Mart on Black Friday, you have seen some of the worst — greed, selfishness, entitlement, rudeness. I could go on and on. We can become self-absorbed as we think about our “wants” for Christmas. On the flip side, we see the generosity of others as they give to those…

Close Call

Jeff and I were talking as we drove home after lunch. As we approached the hill, a young girl (4 or 5) came barreling toward us on her bicycle. Jeff slammed on the brakes, and exclaimed, “What is she doing?” At that moment, I looked up and saw the terrified expression on the girl’s face. She turned the steering wheel just in time to avoid…

Biblical Self-care

Recently, I’ve thought a lot about self-care. I’ve heard pastors say self-care is sinful and worldly. Psychologists describe self-care as “doing what brings you joy” and popular media says, “You do you.” I’ve wrestled with a biblical view of self-care and here are my thoughts. The reason most of us need better self-care is that we are running ourselves ragged. We are so prideful we…

Gone Silent

I apologize for the silent treatment recently. To find balance during a season, I chose to give up a few things. I haven’t written in a while because I am learning to be still and quiet before God. He is teaching me to listen more and to speak less. He is teaching me patience and contentment in the waiting. While the silence can be maddening…