What If

Have you ever wondered “What if?” I have asked this question so many times over the years. Today is my sister’s birthday. Unfortunately, she passed away when she was one due to spina bifida. What if she had lived? I’ve often wondered if we would look alike. Would we be best friends? Would she have an adventurous spirit? Would she have webbed toes like me (yes, I just admitted that online)?

While I may not know the answers to these questions now, I have hope we will reconnect in heaven where we will have eternity to get to know each other. In the meantime, I will continue to imagine life with my sister.

The older I get, the more appealing heaven becomes. So many people I love are with Jesus. We have hope even in death, because of the saving work of Christ on the cross. I am curious. Who do you long to meet or reconnect with in heaven (besides the obvious answer – Jesus)?


  1. So many I want to meet and/or reconnect with, but I think at the top of my list is the child we lost in miscarriage.

  2. I long to see my Jorjanne, Hershell and my mom and dad. The older I get the more deposits I have in heaven. So much to look forward to!

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