Touched by Suicide

Why? Why? The questions plague my soul yet there are no answers. I recently received a phone call that Michael’s cousin committed suicide. This is the fourth suicide to touch his family in four years. My heart hurts not only for this loss, but also for his family. I have been in a place when I felt desperate and hopeless; I know what it is…

The Generation Gap

The Generation Gap

I teach teenagers for a living, but a must say that they also teach me. For example, did you know if you send a text to chacha, you can ask any question and “he” will write you back with the answer. Watch out teachers!!! Students texting during a test may not be talking to their mamas. LOL! I remember being excited about AskJeeves and now…

Let’s Dance!

Ok, so one of my all-time favorite things to do is dance. Shhhh, I know, I know. I probably should be careful where I say that but I absolutely love it! Recently I read a book by Tim Keller called The Reason for God and Keller describes the Trinity using a dance. He said, “When we delight and serve someone else, we enter into a…

You’ve Got to Be Kidding!

So last week I returned from my lunch break to find out that the phone on my desk had stopped working. I fiddled with it and unplugged and replugged until I was more and more aggravated. I had my friend, Walt, look at it and he too could not figure out what was wrong. I was so frustrated because I just bought the blasted thing…

On the Road Again…

On the Road Again…

One of my goals in life is to visit all 50 states (I’ve made 30 so far), so this spring break I headed off to the Natural State, Good Ole’Arkansas with one of my best friends in the whole world! Woo Hoo! While the state is filled with natural beauty, we did have some interesting finds along the way. I want to share a few…