Five Things Not to Say to Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones to Suicide

 1.  Did you see it coming? This question is irrelevant. There are times when a person takes their life and everyone is shocked; there are other instances where loved ones knew and were doing everything they knew to do in order to prevent it but the person still suicided. Asking this question only adds to the guilt survivors already feel. It is not helpful in…

Finding Delight in 2020!

Recently I’ve seen a lot of posts on social media asking, “What’s your word for 2020?” I am praying that 2020 would be a year of DELIGHT in my life. When I think of delight I think of a groom’s expression as he sees his bride for the first time on their wedding day. I think of a parent’s excitement as his child takes her…

The Sacrifices Veterans Make Are Costly…Many Give Not only in Death but In Life.

After losing both my husband and my mother-in-law to suicide, I felt both guilt and shame. I wondered how could I have missed this?  If only I’d said this or done that…the list goes on and on. I also felt shame. I thought others blamed me. “She must have been a horrible wife or he would never have done that.” Then there was the shame…

Stop Blaming Mental Illness for Sin

With all of the recent violence in the streets of America, people are talking about mental health more than ever. While I am extremely grateful that people are talking and that (hopefully) agencies will focus more funding toward mental health, I feel compelled to share that the vast majority of people with a diagnosable mental illness are NOT violent. “Most people with mental illness are…