Hope for a Weary Soul

Over the past few weeks I have been inundated with calls and meetings with people in crisis. Life is tough…there are days when we all wonder how we will persevere. In times of extreme stress, our brain releases cortisol in effort to help us regulate our stress response so that we can return to a state of homeostasis. In moderation, cortisol is a helpful hormone….

Reducing Back to School Anxiety

Reducing Back to School Anxiety

The first day of school can be stressful for everyone — students, parents, teachers, and administrators. However, the anxiety students experience is unique. In an attempt to “fit in” they worry about who will and won’t be in their classes, who they will sit with at lunch, and what to wear (after all they want to look good without drawing too much attention to themselves)….

1 in 4 people

Did you know  research suggests that 25% of the population will seek medical help for mental illness in their lifetime?  That is a quarter of the population.  Think about your closest friends; if this is true, 1 in 4 will experience mental illness at some point in life. Why then, so we still suffer in silence?  Why are we afraid to ask others to pray…

Pastors Struggle with Depression, Anxiety, and Alcohol Use at Alarming Rates

It’s a long running joke that pastors don’t really work, but two days a week. Being married to a minister, I must say that nothing could be farther from the truth. Most pastors are on call 24/7 and are asked to help in a vast array of circumstances – from holding someone’s hand while they die to rescuing cats from clandestine places. Sadly, many ministers…