Help! I’m Stressed and Worried.

Help! I’m Stressed and Worried.

This morning before rolling out of bed, I picked up my phone to scroll Facebook. The first five posts were all sharing about different people who died from COVID. Life right now is hard. As a counselor, I meet with people who are hurting on a regular basis; in addition to my clients, my family and friends are struggling. Helping others is especially challenging as…

Grace-based Counseling…Coming Soon

Grace-based Counseling…Coming Soon

Frequently, I get calls from friends looking for “a good, Christian counselor.” I’ve learned over the years that this means different things to different people. Some want to speak with someone who knows God but focuses on the secular theories of psychology. Others want someone to counsel them only using God’s Word. Others mean something in the middle. This past year, my colleague, Rick Fowler,…