Consider it Joy

Consider it Joy

I’ve been teaching the book of James in my New Testament classes and several things have jumped out at me. I want to use the next few posts to highlight a few of these thoughts. The first is found in James 1:2, where we are told to consider it pure joy when we encounter various trials. Now I don’t know about you, but joy is…

2013 — Year of Jubilee

This month marks the seventh year anniversary of Michael’s death. In the Bible, the seventh year was often known as the Year of Jubilee. Many indentured servants were granted their freedom in the seventh year. Many Israelites were forgiven of their debts in the Year of Jubilee, and landowners gave their land rest from farming in the seventh year. The seventh year was a time…

O Happy Day!!!

O Happy Day!!!

 Joy. Joy unspeakable. Today is further evidence of how God has turned my tears to joy. Six years ago, I began writing a story of undeniable grief and heartache. The tears were gutwrenching and my whole body ached with the pain of loss. I wondered if I’d ever smile again. Fast forward. Today. My cup overflows. God has been more than good to me. He…

Unexplainable Joy

Unexplainable Joy

I love it when a scripture jumps off the page at me screaming, “This is for you! This is for you!” Well, maybe not literally but the Holy Spirit definitely illuminates certain verses at just the right moment. I’ve been praying for someone who is in a situation that is hopeless unless the Lord intervenes. I recently received a letter from him, asking to pray that…

Costly Joy

Costly Joy

I just finished reading the book, Kisses from Katie, and let me just say – WOW!  Katie is a remarkable young woman who is living the surrendered life. (You can follow her story at This is a story about obedience to Christ, perseverance, and sacrifice. Something she said leaped off the page and into my heart. She said, “We must know sorrow to be…