More Than We Can Imagine

Twelve years ago, when I published my first book I decided to create a L.L.C. and to start a blog. In order to start a business, you need a name. I wanted a name that reflected God’s work in my life. It didn’t need to be showy. It was really between me and the Lord. After a lot of prayer and contemplation I decided to…

When Your Words Came, I Ate Them.

When Your Words Came, I Ate Them.

I have been struggling to write since I returned from Africa. There is so much to tell and to process that I have put off writing until now. My husband provided devotional thoughts for me to read while I was away so that we would both be meditating on the same scriptures from different continents. This was the perfect start to my days — connecting…

Experiencing the Power of God

Experiencing the Power of God

Between writing lesson plans and researching for my dissertation, I have found little time to blog recently. However, I want to share with you about an experience I had in Africa. I was going hut-to-hut sharing the gospel with my friend, Robert. It was time for lunch and we were walking back to the church to meet the rest of the team for lunch. On…

Hopes for 2015

Hopes for 2015

I watched as the sun slowly disappeared behind the acacia tree. As I stood peering over the tall grass, fighting to keep my skirt from blowing up and my hair from flying in my face, I knew that I would never be the same. When I first started going to Kenya with my church, there were no evangelical churches among the Kuria tribe. Over the…