Is Suicide Contagious?

Is Suicide Contagious?

Chester Bennington. Chris Cornell. Friends. Both died by suicide just 2 months apart. Individuals who have lost a loved one to suicide are at an increased risk of suicide themselves.  One study reports that people bereaved by suicide (Survivors of Suicide, aka SOS) within the past year were 1.6 times more likely to struggle with suicidal ideation, 2.9 times more likely to create a suicidal plan,…

Help! The Nightmares are Unbearable!

People who have endured traumatic experiences often complain of recurrent nightmares. The good news is that this is normal and it is the brain’s way of trying to make sense of what happened. The bad news is it can invoke painful emotions such as fear, anger, and depression and can lead to insomnia.  Nightmares often unmask subconscious thoughts surrounding the traumatic event. It can be…

About fifteen years ago, my world was rocked when mental illness began to rock our home. Until that day, my life had been relatively simple. After years of watching my husband as he sought to control his bipolar disorder, the battle ended with his suicide. My quiet, unassuming life had been thrust into a world of darkness and pain. There were times when I didn’t…

Africa: Why I Keep Going Back

As a young girl in GA’s, I remember being fascinated by the stories of men and women who travelled across the world to share Jesus. I was enthralled by the adventure, but also intrigued by the challenges they encountered. Little did I know that God was planting seeds for missions in my heart. Ten years ago, I went to Africa for the first time. I…

Grief:  A Strange Bird

Grief: A Strange Bird

One of the things I love about the Masaii Mara in Kenya is that you never know what is around the next bend. You can drive for miles and see nothing but wide open plains dotted with acacia trees and then out of nowhere you see a lion crouched for a kill. Each safari is unique…each carries unexpected surprises, both good and bad.  (Click here…

13 Reasons Not to Watch 13 Reasons (particularly teens)

Suicide should not be viewed as entertaining. The Netflix series, 13 Reasons, sensationalizes suicide and the entire premise of the show centers around Hannah’s suicide and the events leading up to it. No alternatives are given for coping with stress. Hannah’s suicide almost seems justified by the writers because of the intense pain she endured at the hands of others. There is definitely an eye-for-an-eye…