Protecting Your Marriage

Last month I began to blog about the 4 horsemen that seek to destroy marriages.  John Gottman identified the four horsemen and has been able to use his theory to predict divorce among couples he counsels.  The first of the horsemen was criticism and you can read more about it by clicking here. The second horseman, and perhaps the most dangerous, is contempt.  Contempt is…

Blessed by the words of a friend…

I was recently touched by a friend’s raw response to Robin Williams suicide.  Next week is Suicide Prevention Week and the best thing we can do to prevent suicide is to share our story and invest our lives in others.  Well, Lindsey Brackett is doing just that.  I encourage you to read her post by clicking here. Like Lindsey, too many Christians believe that if…

No Sugar Please…

No Sugar Please…

Today is my 30th day going sugar free! In the past month I’ve eaten no sugar and very, very little carbohydrates.  When I started I wondered how I’d ever survive.  Now that the days have passed, I don’t even miss it.  When I think of celebrating, I want to continue on this journey.  Not only do I feel better physically than I have in a…

Depression, Suicide….How’s a Christian to Respond?

Depression, Suicide….How’s a Christian to Respond?

Since the death of Robin Williams, “experts” on depression and suicide have come out of the woodwork.  I am concerned for those who struggle with depression, as many of these self-proclaimed “experts” tout their opinions as facts.  I don’t pretend to be an expert, but I have learned some things from years of living with a husband who had bipolar and died by suicide as…

Criticizing Your Mate

Criticizing Your Mate

“I should have listened to your father when he said you couldn’t cook.  You are terrible,” the husband exclaimed as he stormed toward the front door.  “All you ever do is sit in your chair and watch TV. You are so lazy,” she said with exasperation. I could go on and on with criticisms that I’ve heard both men and women make about their spouses. …

Men Crave Respect

I have decided to participate in a 30 Day Fast from Sugar.  Today is only the first day, and I have realized just how much sugar is in my normal diet. It’s everywhere!  In preparation for this fast, I’ve been reading about cravings and how to deal with them.  While I crave pasta and bread, other friends who are fasting miss soft drinks and chocolate. …