Costly Joy

Costly Joy

I just finished reading the book, Kisses from Katie, and let me just say – WOW!  Katie is a remarkable young woman who is living the surrendered life. (You can follow her story at This is a story about obedience to Christ, perseverance, and sacrifice. Something she said leaped off the page and into my heart. She said, “We must know sorrow to be…

The “Hyde” Within

The “Hyde” Within

I just watched our high school drama department perform Jekyll and Hyde. Kudos to the cast and crew! Fantastic job! As I drove home, I couldn’t help thinking about how no matter how hard Mr. Jekyll tried, he could not defeat the evil Hyde within him. The same is true today. No matter how hard we try to put to death our sinful nature, we…

Just Enough to See

Just Enough to See

One of my favorite memories of Michael was when he would play hide and seek with Jorjanne. You see, they didn’t just play hide and go seek — they played in the dark. Michael would strap a headlamp onto his four-year old angel’s head and then he’d go hide. She would count to ten and dart around the dark house and she’d squeal when she…

Reflecting on 2011

Reflecting on 2011

I’m not gonna lie. 2011 has been a year I’d like to have skipped…it’s been a challenging, character building year to say the least. I thought about using this post to gripe, and I was reminded of 1000 Gifts (see earlier post for more details). I decided instead to highlight the things I am thankful for from this year. I praise God for providing a…

Choose Joy

I remember when Michael died thinking that I was stuck in a really bad movie. If I’d just wake up, then the nightmare would end. Or maybe this was all some horribly sick joke. Michael wasn’t really dead; he was just pretending. Any minute he would jump out and say, “Surprise!” I wasn’t sure how he had convinced so many people to go along with…

Supporting Prisoners’ Families

Supporting Prisoners’ Families

Recently, I’ve reflected on my trip to Rwanda, and my mind keeps going back to the perpetrators that participated in some of the most horrific crimes. As I’ve thought about them, I wondered about their families. I remember hearing a story of a young boy who was struggling in school. His grades were dropping, and he really had no friends – as a matter of…