
When our kids are young, we celebrate all of their firsts: first tooth, first crawl, first step, first day of school…you get the picture. However as we get older, we tend to stop noticing firsts. How many of you remember the first time you ever checked the mail or the first time you ate a hot dog? Anybody remember the first time you paid a bill? Ok, so some of these are so boring we don’t want to remember them, but what about firsts we have yet to do!

I’m always up for a new adventure. If we stop trying new things, life becomes dull and mundane. Today I had two new “adventures.” The first is that I tried my hand at golf for the first time ever. I must say I laughed more than I actually made contact with the ball, but what great fun! The mountain laurel were in bloom, we could see mountain views, and even saw two deer along the way.

This morning I let one of my friends paint my hand and foot with henna. I’ve always wanted to be like the Middle Eastern women who paint their bodies with the stuff and now I can say I have. I guess the point of all this is that life is short. What are the “firsts” you’ve yet to do but still long for? I’ve decided this summer to work on making my own bucket list, and then I’ll start trying to accomplish them.

Its silly to think that playing golf and having real henna tattoos would be on my bucket list but they were. Now I can cross them off! What sort of things remain on your bucket list? Life is short! Enjoy the adventure!!


  1. and I want to skydive nekked with nobody looking but God and maybe the pilot who would need to be my husband which would mean he'd have to go to aviation school between his full time job. Okay, so maybe I'll do a different "first". How 'bout horseback riding in the Outback.

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