Hurricane Irma — YIKES!

The impending threat of Hurricane Irma has caused an increase in anxiety for many people — understandably so. What do we do? Do we stay or evacuate? Will we lose our homes or our jobs? These are just a few questions that people along the path of the storm are pondering.

I want to remind everyone first of all that Irma is no surprise to our Sovereign Lord. While I do not believe God caused the storm, he knows exactly where it will go. He knows our present and our future. Nothing will happen that is outside of his foreknowledge.

Knowing and believing this can bring the peace that surpasses understanding that we read about in scripture. We can cry out to God with our fears and ask him to still our hearts and to quieten our minds.

We can refuse to play the “what if” game. We can resolve that no matter what tomorrow holds, we will cling to the truth that He is still in control, He is good and we can trust Him.

So what are some practical things we can do to reduce our anxiety?

  1. Pray and meditate on the Word.
  2. Set a timer for 2 minutes and breathe very slowly and intentionally to calm your racing thoughts and heart.
  3. Take a long, hot bath.
  4. Listen to soothing music.
  5. Spend time with friends.
  6. Read a good book.


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