Finding Delight in 2020!

Recently I’ve seen a lot of posts on social media asking, “What’s your word for 2020?” I am praying that 2020 would be a year of DELIGHT in my life. When I think of delight I think of a groom’s expression as he sees his bride for the first time on their wedding day. I think of a parent’s excitement as his child takes her…

Good Medicine

“I love writing!” There. I said it. I absolutely, positively love writing. Do you know what else I love? I love dancing, hiking, camping, and reading by waterfalls. So why don’t I do these things more often? Recently, I was asked to co-write a counseling book with a colleague. Once we started talking about the book and creating outlines, I could feel my blood pumping…

Year in Review…

I haven’t written much this year because…well, I could give you a litany of excuses, but mainly because I have been emotionally spent. This year I said goodbye to my grandmother and to Michael’s mom (my first mother-in-law). In addition to those losses, my stepdad is battling a rare form of cirrhosis and his health has declined rapidly. We’ve had many ups and downs on…

Learn to Suffer Well

September is Suicide Prevention Month, and yet yesterday in the news I read of another death by suicide. This grieves my heart. In Western culture, we have a low tolerance for pain. We live in a world of instant gratification. We have a headache, and we pop an ibuprofen. Sinus pressure — no worries, there’s a med for that too.  Something happens to our psyche…

Being a Senior…A Time to Dream and a Time to Reminisce.

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven” Ecclesiastes 3:1. A couple of days ago it came…an invitation to subscribe to Reminisce Magazine. For those that aren’t familiar with this magazine, it’s tagline is “Reminisce is a spirited celebration of America’s stories with readers’ own personal memories, cherished traditions, photos and family recipes…Whether recalling their struggles on the home front, the thrill…

Freedom Requires Surrender

Mary curled her baby sister into her chest as she turned her into the well wall, sheltering them from the stones being hurled at them from outside.  She had just watched her parents brutally killed with machetes. “I will never forget the fear I felt as one of my captors slid down a rope into the well with us. It was then that reality was…