Good Medicine

“I love writing!” There. I said it. I absolutely, positively love writing. Do you know what else I love? I love dancing, hiking, camping, and reading by waterfalls. So why don’t I do these things more often?

Recently, I was asked to co-write a counseling book with a colleague. Once we started talking about the book and creating outlines, I could feel my blood pumping and my heart racing. This is what I love! I love the idea of creating a text with the potential to help others. The more I’ve written lately, the more I want to write. I even have ideas for not one but two more books!

So why am I telling you this? I realized that even though I absolutely adore writing, I rarely do it. Life gets in the way. It is the same reason I don’t dance, hike, camp or chill by waterfalls. The mundane and the immediate demand my attention, and so I put off doing the things I’d really like to do.

I have decide that this school year I want to be intentional about my time. While I can’t give up all of my responsibilities and move into a hammock equipped with pen, paper, and a boom box (Ok, so I am dating myself) by a waterfall, I can carve out time each month for recharging my batteries doing things I love.

I’m curious, what are the activities you love that you’ve been putting off? Will you commit to doing just one fun thing in the next month? The Bible tells us a cheerful heart is good medicine. May we partake of this medicine!


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