Surviving a Murder/Suicide

Surviving a Murder/Suicide

Recently, our small town was recently devastated by a murder/suicide. Having grieved numerous deaths by suicide personally, my heart goes out to the family and friends left behind. While I did not know the families involved, my heart hurts for them; I can only imagine the consuming agony they must feel. Surviving Michael’s suicide was gut-wrenching at times, but I cannot begin to fathom the…

Suicide Rates in Military Personnel on Rise

Suicide Rates in Military Personnel on Rise

Recent reports say that nearly one military personnel dies by suicide daily, marking more suicides than deaths in the war in Afghanistan. Both those who have been deployed and those who serve stateside are at risk. They face tremendous stressors; they often return home unable to find employment or to find relationships severed. Many soldiers refuse to admit their struggles for fear of being dubbed…

Survivors of Suicide

Survivors of Suicide

Almost every month, I am faced with the reality of suicide as I receive letters and phone calls from people all across the nation who have lost someone they love. Each time my heart aches with the person (many of whom I’ve never met), because I know the path before them is one of gut-wrenching pain. I also know that God is able to bring…

Choose Joy

I remember when Michael died thinking that I was stuck in a really bad movie. If I’d just wake up, then the nightmare would end. Or maybe this was all some horribly sick joke. Michael wasn’t really dead; he was just pretending. Any minute he would jump out and say, “Surprise!” I wasn’t sure how he had convinced so many people to go along with…

Limitless portrays Bipolar Mania

OK, so today’s blog post is supposed to assign a mascot to a particular disorder. I’m going to cheat a little and share instead about a movie that gives a glimpse into the mind of someone with bipolar disorder. Note: This movie is not family friendly. People tend to get addicted to the highs associated with mania, but like any high, they eventually crash. Julie…

Spread the Love

Spread the Love

While the holidays are a time of cheer for many, there are others who dread the holidays like the plague. Depression often worsens during the holiday season. People who are lonely often feel even more alone during the holiday season. More suicides occur in January than any other month, because of the emotional fallout that remains after a tough holiday season. I debated whether or…