More Than We Can Imagine

Twelve years ago, when I published my first book I decided to create a L.L.C. and to start a blog. In order to start a business, you need a name. I wanted a name that reflected God’s work in my life. It didn’t need to be showy. It was really between me and the Lord. After a lot of prayer and contemplation I decided to…

Why God?

Why? This is the million dollar question. If I could answer this questions, I would be a very rich woman because it is the question we all ask…and rarely get answers. The past two years walking alongside my stepdad, Hershell, as he waited for a liver transplant has led to this question multiple times. Why? Why won’t the doctors give him a transplant? What do…

Mission Accomplished!

Mission Accomplished!

The young girl enjoyed playing in her room; she was content to teach for hours. Her stuffed animals and baby dolls made the best students. As she passed out their worksheets for the day, she explained to them, “People can be mean; they can steal your toys and cheat off your paper, but no one can ever take your education away from you. Never ever!”…

Ten Years Ago…

Ten years ago today I experienced the worst day of my life. There was a knock at the door from a man wearing a cleric’s collar. I knew before he ever opened his mouth the message he had come to deliver. My husband, the man I loved with all my heart, was gone. At the time it was difficult to even breathe. So many thoughts…