There is Help! Don’t Lose Hope!

In light of the recent tragedies in my hometown, I wrote this article for the local newspaper. I am not sure if it was ever published, so I thought I’d share it on my website. Individuals who have lost a loved one to suicide are at an increased risk of suicide themselves.  One study reports that people bereaved by suicide (Survivors of Suicide, aka SOS) within…

Learn to Suffer Well

September is Suicide Prevention Month, and yet yesterday in the news I read of another death by suicide. This grieves my heart. In Western culture, we have a low tolerance for pain. We live in a world of instant gratification. We have a headache, and we pop an ibuprofen. Sinus pressure — no worries, there’s a med for that too.  Something happens to our psyche…

Feeling Suicidal?

SUICIDE…one word…says so much… S – Stigma U – You are gone. I – I will never be the same. C – Completed…Over…No More… I – Irreversible. D – Death. E – Eternity. Ten minutes ago I sat with a friend who received a phone call that someone she cares about had just overdosed. Immediately the atmosphere in the room changed. A heaviness weighed down…

Is Suicide Contagious?

Is Suicide Contagious?

Chester Bennington. Chris Cornell. Friends. Both died by suicide just 2 months apart. Individuals who have lost a loved one to suicide are at an increased risk of suicide themselves.  One study reports that people bereaved by suicide (Survivors of Suicide, aka SOS) within the past year were 1.6 times more likely to struggle with suicidal ideation, 2.9 times more likely to create a suicidal plan,…

Hope for a Weary Soul

Over the past few weeks I have been inundated with calls and meetings with people in crisis. Life is tough…there are days when we all wonder how we will persevere. In times of extreme stress, our brain releases cortisol in effort to help us regulate our stress response so that we can return to a state of homeostasis. In moderation, cortisol is a helpful hormone….

Seized with Remorse

Seized with Remorse

When asked to discuss suicide in the Bible, most people point out Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus. Recently I began to meditate on Matthew 27 and tried to imagine what was going through Judas’ mind when he betrayed Jesus. Did he know the chief priests wanted to kill Jesus? Did he think they were going to give him a position in the church or community…