Wives, Respect your Husbands…

Several years ago, a friend started a ministry to girls who were engaged to help prepare them for marriage.  The engaged girl is encouraged to select three to five married women they trust and respect to join her for an evening of fun, food, and marital advice.  Over the years, I’ve contemplated what I wish I had known before I got married and what I…

The cost of freedom…

The cost of freedom…

I apologize for the brief hiatus; it wasn’t intentional.  I’m working on my doctorate, and I have had so many papers to write and books to read that I haven’t had time to write.  I did want to take a minute today to encourage you to pray for people in the military around the world. The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) released a…



Memorial Day is a time of remembrance. While our nation remembers and honors those who gave their lives for our freedom, I am challenging you to also take time to remember God’s faithfulness in your life.  Throughout the Old Testament, God told the Israelites to build memorials so that they would not forget God’s faithfulness.  in Joshua 3, they built a memorial of stones to…

Get Your Claws Out of My Head!

Get Your Claws Out of My Head!

A couple of days ago, Jorjanne found something on our cat’s head.  She tried to get it off, but couldn’t. We decided that it must be dead skin.  A few days later, Jeff pulled the mysterious “thing” out to discover that another cat’s claw had been embedded in Darth Vader’s head.  Ouch!  A constant reminder of his last fight. As I’ve thought about the cat’s…