Saying Goodbye to LOST

Saying Goodbye to LOST

I keep getting emails asking me why I haven’t blogged about the LOST finale. Well here it is! To be honest, I struggle with what to say. For years now, my friends and I have gathered on a weekly basis to watch this amazing show. I am sad that LOST has come to an end…but did it really? In my mind, so many questions remain…



When our kids are young, we celebrate all of their firsts: first tooth, first crawl, first step, first day of school…you get the picture. However as we get older, we tend to stop noticing firsts. How many of you remember the first time you ever checked the mail or the first time you ate a hot dog? Anybody remember the first time you paid a…


This week I started a group on Facebook called Tearstojoy. It is designed to connect people whose lives have been touched by mental illness or suicide. My hope is that by networking people with similar stories, we can encourage and support each other. I must say that I have been blown away by the response. My inbox has been flooded with people sharing their stories….

Touched by Suicide

Why? Why? The questions plague my soul yet there are no answers. I recently received a phone call that Michael’s cousin committed suicide. This is the fourth suicide to touch his family in four years. My heart hurts not only for this loss, but also for his family. I have been in a place when I felt desperate and hopeless; I know what it is…

The Generation Gap

The Generation Gap

I teach teenagers for a living, but a must say that they also teach me. For example, did you know if you send a text to chacha, you can ask any question and “he” will write you back with the answer. Watch out teachers!!! Students texting during a test may not be talking to their mamas. LOL! I remember being excited about AskJeeves and now…