C’est la vie

Well, we survived 2020 — the social isolation, the boredom, the endless zoom meetings. Despite all that was lost this year, there are a few gains that I hope to carry with me into the future. I thrive on being busy — yes, I admit it. I have always had a difficult time slowing down and sitting still. This year I was forced to slow down and in the process I learned to appreciate the stillness. I began to listen to the birds singing, to feel the gentleness of the wind blowing through my hair and and to smell the sweet aroma of the roses I planted years ago — and it was glorious!

This year I learned to notice more. I read a book entitled, Holy Noticing (which I recommend), and as I slowed down my thoughts and my actions, I became more aware of God’s presence in my life. His Word somehow became sweeter, and I began to long for it more and more.

As we move into a new year, there is a lot I long to leave behind (especially masks and social distancing). I pray that I will learn from this experience and pace myself. I hope that I will find a balance between being busy and being slothful — that somehow I will find time to be still and time to be productive.

At the end of each year I ask God to give me a word to pray over my family for the following year. At the end of 2019, I chose the word, “delight.” As a matter of fact, I wrote the following on January 4, 2020:

“I long to experience pure joy (i.e. DELIGHT) in the Lord in 2020. Now I know that delight does not necessitate a life without heartache and sorrows. In fact, it is finding delight even in the midst of suffering.  When we delight in the Lord, we are not focused on circumstances but on God Himself. Many have called 2020 the year of clarity. I pray that as I delight in the Lord, my vision of who He is will become clearer.”

Well, God didn’t exactly answer the way I would have preferred, but he certainly answered this prayer. We have experienced heartache as we’ve lost loved ones to COVID-19 and yet, in the midst of the pain, God has been faithful. There has been joy in the sorrow. I’ve tried so hard to focus on the promises of Christ instead of the circumstances of the pandemic or current politics and doing so changed my attitude from one of despair to one of hope.

For me, 2020 has been a year of clarity. It has brought into focus what is truly important in life — faith and family. As I look forward to 2021, the word I choose to pray for is kindness. This past year I have witnessed so much hatred in our nation, and I am praying that we will learn to treat each other with kindness. It’s easy to be kind to people we like, but so much harder with those we don’t. Lord, teach us to be kind as you are kind.

What are you praying for in 2021?

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