Ten Years Ago…

Ten years ago today I experienced the worst day of my life. There was a knock at the door from a man wearing a cleric’s collar. I knew before he ever opened his mouth the message he had come to deliver. My husband, the man I loved with all my heart, was gone. At the time it was difficult to even breathe. So many thoughts…

Depression and Suicide Risk

Depression and Suicide Risk

Barbara was relieved when her son, John, told her he was going out to grab some pizza with the guys. John had been struggling with depression off and on for the past several years. His most recent episode had lasted about three months. Barbara had been worried about John. He had no motivation to do his school work and often called in sick to work….

Blessed by the words of a friend…

I was recently touched by a friend’s raw response to Robin Williams suicide.  Next week is Suicide Prevention Week and the best thing we can do to prevent suicide is to share our story and invest our lives in others.  Well, Lindsey Brackett is doing just that.  I encourage you to read her post by clicking here. Like Lindsey, too many Christians believe that if…

Depression, Suicide….How’s a Christian to Respond?

Depression, Suicide….How’s a Christian to Respond?

Since the death of Robin Williams, “experts” on depression and suicide have come out of the woodwork.  I am concerned for those who struggle with depression, as many of these self-proclaimed “experts” tout their opinions as facts.  I don’t pretend to be an expert, but I have learned some things from years of living with a husband who had bipolar and died by suicide as…