1 in 4 people

Did you know  research suggests that 25% of the population will seek medical help for mental illness in their lifetime?  That is a quarter of the population.  Think about your closest friends; if this is true, 1 in 4 will experience mental illness at some point in life. Why then, so we still suffer in silence?  Why are we afraid to ask others to pray…

How Full is Your Cup?

How Full is Your Cup?

Today I will be teaching law enforcement about suicide prevention and postvention. The irony is that eight years ago today I was sitting in my living room waiting to hear from the police as they searched for Michael. I’ll never forget seeing the priest standing in my doorway. Just seeing his collar told me that what I’d feared the most had come true. Michael was…

Suicide Postvention

Suicide Postvention

In the past two weeks, I’ve received texts about one attempted and one completed suicide. My heart aches for the families of both of these individuals. I recently found out that Michael’s death began a string of suicide attempts in our community. This absolutely breaks my heart. When we lose someone to suicide, we are often so overcome by our own grief that we fail…

Helping Your Bipolar Loved One

This is going to sound utterly selfish, but the number one thing you can do to help someone you care about who has bipolar disorder is to make sure that you are healthy yourself. Loving someone with bipolar often comes with extreme highs and lows, and their roller coaster of emotions often carry you along for the ride whether you want to go or not….