ABC or OCD cont…

In my last post, I told you that my crazy friends drug me around Virginia in search of an alphabetically correct cemetery. After searching for hours, one of my friends decided to call the police and ask for directions. Supposedly, this cemetery was next to Antioch Baptist Church.

My friend (who has asked to remain anonymous – I wonder why???), called the police station and very excitedly asked them if they knew where the A-B-C cemetery was next to Antioch Baptist Church. She was talking way too fast and the officer couldn’t understand her, and asked her to repeat her question. She said, “I’m looking for the A-B-C cemetery. You know, (and she began singing) A-B-C-D-E-F-G.” I was cracking up in the backseat when her phone suddenly lost signal. She sang to the police officer and then hung up on him. Surely he thought she was pranking him!

Once we got signal again, she called back and got a different officer. He asked her if she was the ABC lady? He told her that he only had one Antioch Baptist Church on file and gave us the address. It is like 11:00 PM now and we go looking for this church. We are just sure the cops are going to be there waiting for us to see who these crazy chicks are traipsing around late at night in search of a cemetery.

Alas, we found the church and sadly – no cemetery! We gave up for the night, only to renew our search the next morning. Armed with a new address via the internet, we take off for another day of adventure. We drove for hours on country, back roads (the views were breathtaking and made the trip worthwhile). We came upon an Apple Orchard and stopped to ask for directions. They told us how to get to the church (a different Antioch than the one the police sent us to). We found the church, but there was no cemetery. The lady at the Apple Orchard told us to cut through the woods across from the church.

We searched those woods forever and found lots of family plots and even found one cemetery, but it wasn’t in alphabetical order. We returned to the Apple Orchard 3 times for directions, but we never found it. I’m beginning to wonder if the whole thing was a hoax and the townspeople are laughing at us. I keep waiting for the cameramen to jump out and say I’ve been punked, but that never happens.

After two days of searching, trespassing on private property, finding what looked like a meth lab, and singing to the police we decided it was time to end our search. Because I hate to be defeated, I will admit that I will most likely go back one more time in search of this elusive cemetery. If anyone out there knows if this is legit or not, I’d really like to know. The locals say they’ve never been but have given directions to many tourists who have seen it…Could it be A-B-C because of Antioch Baptist Church? We may never know, but the more I think about it, I think we were sent on a snipe hunt!


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