Conflict in the Pandemic

I am excited to share with you a guest post from my dear friend and colleague, Trista Blankenship. Trista is passionate about strengthening families and has some practical ideas for dealing with conflict during the pandemic. Commercials and advertisements are making this time together seem like it should be great, easy, and positive. However, for many families, it is anything but that. Instead of bliss…

Honoring my Mother at Graduation!

It’s that time of year again — GRADUATION! It is such an honor to teach aspiring minds. Today, one of our psychology students was asking me about the stole stole I wear as part of my regalia. I was delighted to share with her that in graduate school, we were challenged to wear the stole in honor of someone who helped us in our educational…

Why God?

Why? This is the million dollar question. If I could answer this questions, I would be a very rich woman because it is the question we all ask…and rarely get answers. The past two years walking alongside my stepdad, Hershell, as he waited for a liver transplant has led to this question multiple times. Why? Why won’t the doctors give him a transplant? What do…

Year in Review…

I haven’t written much this year because…well, I could give you a litany of excuses, but mainly because I have been emotionally spent. This year I said goodbye to my grandmother and to Michael’s mom (my first mother-in-law). In addition to those losses, my stepdad is battling a rare form of cirrhosis and his health has declined rapidly. We’ve had many ups and downs on…